Monday 9 June 2008

Springtime for Hélène in Scotland

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artquest1 said...

Ahhhh, my friend, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence (or ocean as the case may be).
Well, actually, it is brown as Atlanta is having a three year drought, as well as a high today of 35C. What we both need is a happy medium - perhaps we can meet somewhere, in an idyllic glade, with a babbling brook, lush ferns and a cool ocean breeze of about 25C.
Be sure and brig your sunscreen and a towel - I'll bring sandwiches.

H5L5N5 said...

I would so love to be there right now...
I'll bring the wine!

Steve said...

Could be worse...It is 98F where I am!! "I'm melting...What a world, what a world."